
The Market Girl’s Secret

The heartbreaking story of a forbidden love between two young people born into rivalling families in Victorian London.

Nettie’s family are poor costermongers, barely making a living by selling fruit and vegetables at the market. She wouldn’t mind the poverty and the hard work so much, if her father didn’t routinely drink and gamble their money away.

But then life becomes even more complicated when she falls in love with the wrong man. Because William is a ragman, and their fathers hate each other with a passion.

Petty arguments soon spiral out of control, turning into more serious and violent incidents. William wants to turn his back on their bickering families, but Nettie feels she can’t abandon her younger sisters.

Can their secret love survive this family vendetta?
And will their fathers ever change their stubborn, foolish ways?

Or is this bitter hatred doomed to destroy the lives of two young people who only want a bit of happiness?

The Market Girl’s Secret is another clean and sweet Victorian romance novel by Hope Dawson, the successful author of stories such as The Pit Brow Sisters and The Girl Below Stairs.

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