
The Unlucky Orphan Girl

Maisie Brown brings bad luck to everyone. Or so people always tell her. But can one single person really be so unlucky and so cursed by fate?

Born on Friday the 13th, Maisie’s grumpy father is convinced the girl is bound to be trouble. 

And a series of tragic events certainly seems to confirm his superstitious beliefs. 

After she loses nearly her entire family, Maisie ends up in a sweat-shop where the evil Mr Haynes brutally exploits a group of abandoned orphans. 

Her only hope is that her eldest brother William will one day return from the sea. 

But as time goes by, those hopes begin to fade. 

Will she ever find true happiness? 

Or is Maisie doomed to be unlucky for the rest of her miserable life? 

The Unlucky Orphan Girl’ is a Victorian romance novel about love versus misery, friendship versus despair… and a handful of good people versus cold-hearted villains.

Available for Amazon Kindle or in paperback.

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